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Adopting a dog is an important decision that will help dogs who are in need, but it’s not just dogs in the UK who need help. There are many adoption centres around the world with dogs who are looking for their forever homes, this article will outline how you can adopt a dog from a dog rescue centre in Malaga, the south of Spain.
Spain has a big issue with stray dogs, especially when the hunting season ends, when many dogs are abandoned and hunters no longer have a purpose for the dogs.
There are so many incredible rescue centres in and around Malaga, here are some of them:
The Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants of Malaga (SPAPM) collects and shelters animals from the streets of Malaga and those in need. They work in combination with the police and the local environment group, as well as the civil guard, firefighters, road maintenance, and airports in order to protect the wellbeing of animals and rescue those who need it.
Like the Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants of Malaga (SPAPM), Central Zoo Sanitario also work with local groups such as the police in order to find and protect animals in need. Not only pets are collected but other species too, who can later be picked up by the Endangered Species Recovery Centre (CREAS) etc. The centre collect domestic animals who are in need too and then assign them to local organisations that are able to care and look after them until they find their forever home.
Don Animal offer a range of services, but they do also offer residence for animals in need for all types of reasons. Their goal is to make sure that animals feel loved and cared for during their lifetime.
Triple A in Marbella is an adoption centre that is mostly run by volunteers. They focus on finding and caring for abandoned and abused animals on the Costa del Sol in the Marbella to San Pedro area. The charity give the animals love, shelter, and care while searching for their new forever homes. The centre houses around five hundred animals and they promise to never put down a healthy animal. They house all kinds of dogs and their site is definitely worth a visit.
TAIL’s look to rescue, care for, and then find forever homes for abandoned, neglected, and stray dogs in the Torrox area of Southern Spain. They provide medical care as well as love and attention to the animals that they find. They also try to control the population of stray cats by capturing them and neutering them before releasing them again. The charity was started in 2008 and works with volunteers to aid in providing dogs and other animals with a happier life and perhaps even work to find them their forever home.
The Association for the Rights of Abandoned Animals (ADANA) is a charity that is based in Costa del Sol and is run by volunteers. They aim to educate the public on loving and caring for animals while also rescuing those in need. They provide abandoned dogs with shelter, care, and love with the end goal of finding them a forever home. They own a dog shelter in Estepona campo where they look after the animals and seek out homes for them.
The Asociacion Fidelio are a volunteer charity who were started in 1998 with the objective to find and protect animals in need. They take in and care for dogs in need and help them in the search for their forever homes through adoption.
Lauro Rescue
Lauro Rescue is a small charity that was set up to rescue dogs from bad situations such as abandonment and abuse. The charity tends to take in dogs who to most people are past saving, working with them to show them love, kindness, and care to get them back on their feet again so that they can find their forever home.
All of these centres are dedicated to saving dogs who have had sad upbringings, ranging from abandonment to abuse, and aim to rehome them to their forever homes. The dog rescue centres are all full of dedicated volunteers and they truly do have the animals best interests at heart. So if you’re looking to rehome a dog and welcome a new and furry family member, why not take a look at some of the dog rescue centres above as there are many dogs looking for a new home where they can be loved and pampered by you.
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Lauro Rescue
All of these centres are dedicated to saving dogs who have had sad upbringings, ranging from abandonment to abuse, and aim to rehome them to their forever homes. The dog rescue centres are all full of dedicated volunteers and they truly do have the animals best interests at heart. So if you’re looking to rehome a dog and welcome a new and furry family member, why not take a look at some of the dog rescue centres above as there are many dogs looking for a new home where they can be loved and pampered by you.
I’m from Sweden but currently studying in Málaga. Just outside the building are two dogs. They are kept chained 23 hours a day all alone. The only contact they get is when an older man comes one hour a day (if even that long). They bark all the time.
In Sweden this would be illegal with respect to animal protection laws, but I don’t know what Spanish regulations say. Could you advice me what I can do?